
Can someone help me understand the situation in Georgia/Ossetia with the Russians...

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why's this happening?

who attacked who?






                              -good  luck,.   bye,.,

  2. It's like the old Hatfield/McCoy feuds in this country.  

    Pay no attention -- let them stew in their own juice.

  3. AngryCat has it exactly right. Dont listen to anyone else who says different.

  4. Don't listen to them. AngryCat is really right. For many years the nation of Ossetians had to be separated. North Ossetia is a part of Russia, & South Ossetia is considered the part of Georgia, by everybody except themselves, like Abkhazia & Pridnestrovye. They gained de-facto independence after the war in 1992, and had plans to re-join the North Ossetia, whether within Russia or not. But Georgia, with the support of USA, NATO & some other countries (like Ukraine) started the new war, killing 2000 of civilians(!!!) They claim to restore their national integrity but at the same time attack Russian peacemakers, who actually did nothing to prevent & stop the bloodshed. Now USA & all other countries supporting Georgia order Russia to withdraw its forces from the territory of South Ossetia, or they will take some adequate measures. So, I guess, all the mess is not about somebody's independence or national integrity. It's just another attempt to start a war against Russia. I hope this would not happen.

    P.S. United Ossetia!!! ВХПВНХ!!!

  5. Russia sees Georgia as traders for breaking away and demanding independence, with the UN stuff, the USA to put up missile defense system there, attacking Ossetia the night before

    Russia views this as a direct threat to the security of the Federation.  

    LETS NOT BE HIPPOCRATES,  that will make the US look really bad

  6. There are long-lasting conflict there. Now Ossetia is  officially a part of Georgia, but they don't want to be so.  The want to be either independent, either a part of Russia (as North Ossetia is now). And when it possible the local population gained the Russian citizenship (90 %  now are both citizens of Russia and Georgia/Ossetia).

    That area isn't controlled by Georgia, it is controlled by locals + Russian peacekeepers.

    The previous night Georgia attacked Ossetia, they took its capital Tshinvali and killed about 1400 of its people +10 Russian peacekeepers. Russia suggested Georgia to end the fire, the refused. Ater that Ossetia asked Russia for help. Its military troops were sent there and Tshinvali is practicaly taken by them now.

    There are alot of refuges now, they try to move to North Ossetia.

  7. Georgia attacked first, there are Russian citizens living there so russia is defending them

    Over 1,300 people are reported dead after Russian forces responded to a Georgian attack on rebels in the breakaway province of South Ossetia by mounting a full scale invasion.

    Russian peacekeepers have suffered 12 dead and 150 wounded, the peacekeeping forces were quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.

    "Now our peacekeepers are waging a fierce battle with regular forces from the Georgian army in the southern region of Tskhinvali," a representative of the Russian force was quoted as saying by Interfax


    Georgia sent troops into South Ossetia on Thursday, aiming to crack down on the separatists. Russia responded Friday, sending troops into the Georgian province where it had peacekeepers stationed.


    this site explains it pretty well

  8. South Ossetia is a region of the country Georgia. North Ossetia is part of Russia. Georgia used to be part of Russia too, back during the Cold War, but declared independence in 1991. South Ossetia has been a problem for Georgia, because they want to either be part of Russia like N. Ossetia, or else be their own country.

    For the last week or so South Ossentian rebels and Georgian troops have been skirmishing, and each blames the other for starting it. Last night though 4 Georgians were killed and an APC destroyed by South Ossetian artillery, so Georgia stormed the rebels and entered the South Ossetia region. Many Russians live in South Ossetia, so Russia decided to get involved and attack Georgia.

    It's basically as if Texas wanted to be independant and started attacking other Americans, so the American Army goes in to quash the rebellion. Then Mexico comes in and starts fighting with the Texans.

  9. OK, Ossetia had been fighting with Georgia for the past 100 years as a minority group in Georgia struggling for independence. Both are Orthodox Christians and hate each other's guts. So finally Georgia after accumulating some military power launched an offensive into Ossetia and took about 8 villages and then a capital city Tsxinvalli. So Russians did not like it as idea of having NATO at the border in one more region became scary to the Russians so when Russian peacekeepers got killed about 15 and about 1500 Ossetians died during first day of the Georgian offensive, then nearby Russian army unit launched a counter offensive and kicked Georgians out from the capital and villages. Right now the fight is going on in Georgia. Looks like Georgian gamble did not pay off. As for losses you can triple them today as fighting is heavy. Such a great day for Olympics, kids should be politicians as they are more friendly and tolerant than these morons.

  10. Briefly Ossetia is in Georgia, but its people are mainly ethnically Russian, and don't want to be part of Georgia, they are making a fuss about it, when georgian troops come in, and Russia says it has a right to intervene and protect those Ossetians who hold Russian passports.

  11. The Georgians tried to take back a region called South Ossetia, which historically has been part of Georgia.  Russia wants to exert control over the enire caucasus region and is using the invasion of South Ossetia by Georgian troops as an excuse to attack and possibly annex Georgia.  

    It's sheer hypocrisy and imperialism by Russia.  When Chechnya tried to break away from them they invaded, but they won't let Georgia deal with it's breakaway region in the same way.  

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