
Can someone help me understand this sentence?

by Guest33999  |  earlier

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Our ignorance respecting this tract may well be accounted for, by its lying out of the line of communication between our settlements; and by its never having been the seat of any war.

What does he mean by lying out of the line of communication?

Is "lying out" and "never having been the seat" nouns here and how's that possible?




  1. Well before I analyze this sentence you must tell me what its context is. If you do not know the context of the statement how can you really understand it.

    Well it seems to state

    we are not knwolegeable about the system of information since it is beyond our inderstanding not having been exposed to it.

    The war statement in the end makes me think that this means: we truly do not understand the effects of war because we have not seen or been in it?

  2. "lying out of the line of communication"  means it is not on the usual road, railway,river, telegraph, phone etc.( depending on the time this is talking about), so people do not communicate much with the outside world.  "Never having been the seat of any war" simply means that there were no battles fought there.  Between the two, lack of communication and lack of war action, this tract or land is fairly isolated.

  3. huh?

    i'm lost.

    me not good with beeeg wurds.

  4. it means (I think) that you shouldn't speak ignorance. If you don't know something, then just be quiet.

    And to know what you're fighting for-- don't fight for the sake of fighting.

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