
Can someone help me urgent?

by  |  earlier

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hello, i recently moved to canada from colombia 2 months ago and im a permanent resident, i moved with my daughert but her dad stayed in colombia they have told me to sponsorship him but it cost too much money and its kind of complicated,they also told me that if i would have of married him he could come faster but we didnt so what i would like to know is if i could go back to colombia and marry him and stay there with him and start a new aplication with him and wait there until his process is done and the come back with him?would that affect my permanent residency? can i still do that? my daughert is getting sick cause she misses her dad thats the main reason why i want to go can i marry him over there and wait for the whole process with him over there and then all of us come back to canada?




  1. Well, you kinda did things backwards...You know that now. I don't live in Canada , but I would think things would be extra hard if you went back. You and your daughter have permanent residence in a beautiful country. I would stay there and work with local agencies to help him get to you.

  2. In order to meet the residency obligations of your permanent residence here in Canada you must be physically present in Canada 730 days in the 5 years that it is valid.  

    I think that you have enough time to go back to Columbia and get married.  You should probably get back to Canada and start the permanent residence application though.  You have to sponsor him so you need to have a job and a home to be able to do that.

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