
Can someone help me with a few of my traffic school questions please?

by  |  earlier

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So here are 5 questions I am not sure with, it'll be great if i can get a little help, thank you

1.) when you come to a stop sign, you must...

A. slow and proceed when safe

B. honk, prior to proceeding

C. stop completely

D. stop within 15 feet of the sign

E. flash your lights prior to proceeding

I chose C.

2.) If you come to a 'Yield' sign, always let the person on your left go first



I chose FALSE

3.) When parking uphill, turn the wheels...

A. away from the curb

B. towards the curb

C. keep them straight

D. turn them either way

E. do not park uphill

I chose A.

4.) If another driver is angry at you...

A. call the police

B. do not react

C. pull to the side of the road

D. change lanes

E. honk

I chose B.

5.) Road Rage and aggressive driving are basically the same thing.



I chose FALSE

thank you very much for your help.




  1. you got those all correct and guess what im only 12 and i know all about this kind of stuff

  2. 1. Yep your right, its C

    2. I believe this one is actually True

    3. Yep, away from the curb

    4. Yeah, sounds like B is the right answer

    5. Yep, false.

  3. Corrrect-a-mundo...

  4. You got them all right except i dunno on number 4.  Your answer is what I would do, but i guess it depends on if the other person is really angry and starts swerving cutting you off etc then you would call the police.

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