
Can someone help me with a nonsense sentence?

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Here is the sentence:

“Stear, the frabous grick botly brocked my parmy dorfer in the alflit because the dorfer jilked the grick.”

Now here are some questions:

i) What happened to the dorfer?

ii) Why did it happen?

iii) Who or what did it?

iv) Where did it happen?

v) Describe the grick and the dorfer.




  1. i) it was botly brocked

    ii) because the dorfer jilked the grick

    ii) Stear, frabrous grick

    iv) in the alflit

    v) grick = frabous, dorfer = parmy

  2. i) The dorfer was botly brocked.

    ii) It happened because the dorfer jilked the grick.

    iii) The frabous grick did it.  (This question is referring to what happened to the dorfer.  Also, the frabrous grick is not Stear.  If that were so, the whole clause "the frabous grick" would be set off by commas.  This sentence is being addressed to whoever or whatever Stear is.)

    iv) It happened in the alflit.

    v)  The grick is frabous and the dorfer is parmy.

  3. I can't understand.

    1. What's a dorfer?

    2. What is brocked?

    3. What is an alflit?

    4. What is a grick and a dorfer?

    I cannot find those words in the dictionary. Please simplify the sentence.

  4. 1. The dorfer was brocked by the frabous grick.

    2. Because the the grick was jilked.

    3. It was jilked by the dorfer. Edit: and the grick brocked the dorfer - it depends on which "it" you're referring to. If Stear is the name of the grick, there should be a comma after grick.

    4. It happened in the alflit.

    5. The grick is frabous and the dorfer is parmy (and belongs to you).

  5. 1) the dorfer was brocked

    2) It happened becausetit jilked the grick

    3) Stear, the frabous grick did it.

    4) It happened in the alflit.

    5) The grick is frabous, the dorfer is parmy.

    Lol, what is this for?

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