
Can someone help me with a question on pcos?

by  |  earlier

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i went to the doctor because i have not had a period in 3 months and they did blood test and found out i have a male hormone that is high and my insullien is also high.they did an ultrasound and it was normal.i was wondering does anybody on here have pcos and what was your symptoms and the treatment?




  1. I have PCOS.  My symptoms were acne, weight gain (due to the water retention caused by the high testosterone levels), stretch marks.  I also recently found out I have issues with thinning hair although I don't know if that's related to the medication I've been on for the past year, but thinning hair can be a symptom of PCOS.

    I went on medication a combination of the pill and one called Aldactone to help bring down the testosterone levels.

    Some women also use dietary changes along with a medicine commonly used for treating Diabetes called Glucophage.  The reason some do is because some women with PCOS also has a condition called Insulin Resistance.

    I have the link to a site that can help you find even more information.  Please email me off site with the subject line: "PCOS link" so that I will know what this is in regards to.

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