
Can someone help me with a routine for my 3 children?

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i have 3 children...ages 6 years old, almost 3 years old, & 14 months old...i have a routine but for some reason i cant always stick to it...i am a stay at home mom & i have no license or car so stickin to the routine should be easy...but for me its not...idk lookin for one that is simple...i have limited income so its not easy to just go out & buy activites or take the kids places that involves money...please help me...thanks...




  1. Write everything down, minute by minute. Even if you leave a space for unstructured play. Also there is a lot of games you play with no props at all, try hide and go seek, drawing pictures, yoga, simon says. Don't let your limited income limit you. I bet the six year old could come up with some pretty great games of their own that the whole family could get involved in.

  2. Let the kids just play until 10 am.

    10-11 have a little drawing class. Draw little objects. Like the baby can just scribble.

    11-12 play baseball or soccer or something...running bases, the baby can just like hang out with you and watch.

    12-1 make lunch and eat it.

    1-2 let the kids hang out.

    2-4:30 let the kids have a play date.

    4:30-5:30 hang out some more, let them watch TV or something.

    Then for the rest of the night eat and play with toys.

  3. Umm... For one thing you're really going to need a car especially once they grow older! But something really nice to do is take them for a walk in some historical or interesting park. Mueseums are very good for the 6 and 3 year old where they can learn a little before school starts again!

  4. Now Im not sure what time they wake upor go to bed but I am going to try and pin point them the best I can:

    7-8 am - - Wake up (watch tv while waiting for everyone to wake up)

    8:30 am - - Eat breakfast

    9 am - - Brush teeth

    9:30 - - Put on clothes

    10 am - - Learning center - ABC's, 123's, colors, drawing, spelling, handwriting

    Noon - - Lunch

    1 pm - - Play time - toys, tv, books, coloring, playground, pool, balls..whatever you have at the house.

    2:30pm - - Naps

    4 pm - - Quiet time - tv, books

    5pm - - Dinner

    6:30 pm - - Baths

    7:30pm - - Play time - tv, toys, books, coloring (same as above)

    8:30pm - - Bedtime story

    9pm - - Sleep

    I hope this gives you a good guidline on helping you keep control of your children and also giving them some knowledge in between.

    While the are playing and/or napping you can get your stuff done.

    Have the children help you make a big (poster board) schedule of the day and go over with them what its going to be like from now on, have them all repeat after you and make it like a fun thing like they are in school (little kids cant wait to go to school) they will be more willing to cooperate if they start to memorize the schedule, if they try to get off course then remind them emmidietly what is suppose to be done, take them to the board and have them point out what is done next. If you have a printer you can print off work papers off the net to have the kids do that is in their age group. Your oldest will be going to school soon so with two kids will be more easier throughout the day. I hope this helped..Good Luck!

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