
Can someone help me with a translation into greek?

by  |  earlier

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I want to write a letter to a friend in greece, but i never learned to read and write in greek. i usually send texts and messages in greek with english letters, but i thought id mail a letter actually written in greek this time.

if somebody wouldnt mind translating the following, i would be so thankful!


I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you! I can't belive it has already been a year since I've seen you. I hope you have been good, and that you have a good summer (even though it will be without me.. haha)

It has also been a while since I've talked to you last... Do you guys still have email? Either way write back soon!

I hope you all like the clothes i sent with Eleni... I love you so much and can't wait to see you! Say hello to your parents from me, and give all my love to Christo as well!

Many kisses from California,


I know its long, but if someone could help with even a part i would greatly appreciate it!

efharisto paaaaara poli (:




  1. Exactly what the last one said - perfect translation

  2. Mariana,

    Aplws ithela na sou pw poso poli se pethymisa.Den to pistevw oti perase enas xronos apo tote pou se gnwrisa.

    Elpizw na eisai kala kai na exeis ena kalo kalokairi (akoma kai ean tha einai xwris emena ... xaxa).

    Episis einai arketos kairos apo tote pou milisame teleftaia fora. Exete kapoios apo sas diefthinsi email? Opws kai na exei, apantise mou syntoma.

    Elpizw na aresan se olous ta rouxa pou esteila me tin Eleni.

    Sas agapaw para poli kai den perimenw tin wra na sas dw pali.

    Pes xairetismous stous goneis sou apo emena kai dwse oli thin agapi mou ston Xristo, episis.

    Polla filia apo tin Kalifornia.


    That was the greeklish version of it andd here is the Greek version.


    Απλώς ήθελα να σου πω πόσο πολύ μου λείπεις.Δεν το πιστεύω ότι πέρασε ένας χρόνος απο τότε που έχω να σε δω.

    Ελπίζω να είσαι  ÃŽÂºÃŽÂ±ÃŽÂ»ÃŽÂ¬ και να έχεις ενα καλό καλοκαίρι (αν και θα είναι χωρίς εμένα.. χαχαχα)

    Είναι επίσης αρκετός καιρός απο τότε που μιλήσαμε τελευταία φορά. Εχετε κάποιος απο εσάς ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση?

    Οπως και να έχει γράψε μου πίσω γρήγορα.

    Ελπίζω οτι θα άρεσαν σε όλους τα ρούχα που έστειλα με την Ελένη. Σας αγαπάω όλους πάρα πολύ και ανυπομονώ να σας δω σύντομα.

    Δώσε χαιρετισμούς στους γονείς σου απο εμένα και δώσε επίσης όλην μου την αγάπη στον Χρήστο.

    Πολλά φιλιά απο την Καλιφόρνια


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