
Can someone help me with alchemy

by Guest33854  |  earlier

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Is all alchemy just turning metal into gold or is there more to it




  1. OK, you want the real answer, or the fantasy answer?

    In this universe (aka reality), alchemy is primitive chemistry, practiced before the arrival of the scientific method.  Though transmutation of metals was one of the major goals of alchemy, especially in the West, Eastern alchemists focused more heavily on finding the Elixir of Life, a way to turn humans immortal.  Though the main premise of alchemy was bogus, they did come up with some important discoveries, such as gunpowder and phosphorus.

    The fantasy version of alchemy is the study of how biological and chemical processes interact with magic.  An alchemist might try to determine why a potion needs to have a precise ingredient, or see if they can substitute something.

  2. the most popular middle age mages were really trying,some used spirits to do their bidding,theres a story of a bar keep that challenged anyone if they could take a barrel of wine out of his cellar,they could keep it,without mechanical means,one mage sat on it and it levitated up the steep steps and right out the door,

    it floated. others could burn symbols in the ground for elementals to finish a task of healing or ensuring good crops,or a successful hunt.

  3. no. that was one of the main goals though.

    the philosiphers stone, that was said to be a remarkable substance that could prolong life and transmute metals into gold, was the key pursuit of many alchemists.

    acording to my notes it was said not to be a stone but a resin-like substance, similar to liquid amber. but other than that my notes are far from complete.

    alchemy is the art of transmuting items such as herbs, minerals and other chemical solutions into one useful substance.

    in a broad sence it was alchemy that created the first chemists and medical scientists, whom without we would not have the medicines andvaccines that we do today. most people who mixed up strange chemicals without having a sign saying "alchemist" above their door back in those days would soon find themselves stuck to a stake and being burned as a heretic. ah... the bad old days.

  4. Alchemy was actually a spiritual discipline in that its practitioner's ability to advance was very closely linked to their spiritual ability. The secret philosopher's stone was not just a stone but a symbolic transmutation of the practitioner's lead-based (heavy, unwieldy, earth centered) spirit and development into one made of gold (pliable, brilliant, valuable, the hallmark of success.) That is why most practitioners of alchemy never truly advanced very far with their studies: all they were looking for was a way to make themselves physically, and not spiritually, rich.

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