
Can someone help me with an online business?

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Is there anything out there that I can start a online business for free? Not like those money making things, but a business that offers a real product and has a shopping cart. My mom is in a bind with money so we can't spend thousands of dollars. Is there anything out there. Plus I am only 16 and I am sharing my car with my mom so I can just get a job somewhere out there and use lots of gas. Can someone help?




  1. When you're looking at working from home there's basically two choices. You'll either be working for a company, or working for yourself. I'm not sure how you'd work for a normal company from home but I'm sure most people working online work for themselves anyway.

    I've been a work at home mom for 3 years and believe me if you wanna work at home it's gonna take some hard work and a lot of research.

    Finding a legitimate way to work at home isn't hard. There's plenty of places you can pay for the information (even though there's a lot of scam sites too) One of the really hard things about working at home is staying focused. You'd be surprised how hard it is to just sit down and work at home infront of your computer for hours on end. There's some days I hardly make $50 because I just can't focus and other days if I'm having a really good day and working hard I'll make as much as $300. Like anything in life, you get what you put into it.

    Some of the more legit ways of making money online are things like affiliate marketing or ebay or selling digital products, which works well because typically when you buy one it'll come with resell rights and your own sales page so you can keep reselling it and no real cost to you because emailing it to someone is free.

    If you ever have any questions send me an email

  2. Sorry to tell you, but your not going to be able to start a business for free.  Businesses cost money to start and run.  That's a fact of life!  Businesses give you the opportunity to make what you want to make, but you have to be willing to do what it takes to make the income you want.

    If you really want to go into business, the least expensive way, but with the same income opportunity is a home based business.  Plenty of opportunities out there in several different industries in which you can collaborate with (don't let that word scare you), make the same amount of income as a traditional business, but with out the over head expenses.  So many different industries to look at. Most home based businesses don't cost thousands of dollars.  In fact, most home based businesses cost under $500.

    Also understand that businesses take time to build.  The income doesn't start pouring in over night.  You have to really work and build a business.  You can make a sufficient amount of income within a month or so, but you got to put the time and effort and do what it takes to have a successful business.  If your not willing to do that, then don't go into business, get a home job that pays minimum wage.

  3. I work for a company that teaches people how to make money online absolutely free!!

    However, there is no shopping cart per say. We deal with companies and helping them advertise their products.

    If you'd like to see proof of payment.. visit my youtube video at

    (you will see my direct number is on the page as well.. I stand strongly behind this opportunity and put my reputation on the line so people know it's real and not a scam)

    Feel free to visit my website for further details:

  4. I'm sharing with you this article I wrote, I know it can help you to start your business online or give you a few money making ideas to begin. You can vote on the starts if it worked for you. You can leave comments too. Here is the address:

  5. There are a few options out there and it depends on your passion and time you put in on the project that you take, I personally run a Credit card website which brings ok money a month, I got back my investment within a month of starting, check out and click on the banner on the left hand side which says Make Money Marketing Credit Cards, it will give you more details on how it works. The only thing you have to do is promote your site and you will get paid for every credit card approval.

  6. The best REAL business: a service that ALL WEBPAGES WORLDWIDE NEED IT, just imagine the huge potential!! Promote a professional and high quality web hosting service and get paid U$ 5 per direct referral and U$ 1 per indirects up to 8 levels. Make residual income with this real big business, and take advantage of some communities, such as hispanic, and others too, you can refer this service to anyone around the world, the tools for working are in 23 languages.

    Then ALL THAT YOU HAVE TO DO is referring people with YOUR PAGE (the company will give it to you when you become a member) and you can promote your page as many ways as you can, and of course, the company and I will give you many tools to do it.

    And I'll give you this, 100% FREE WAYS TO GET REFERRALS (for any business online) They're Viral Lists, where you can send your business message to thousands (or even millions) of people who agree to receive it. NO SPAM. Check this out:

    Any questions e-mail / MSN

  7. Firstly, you need to decide what products you are going to sell. You may be selling a single digital product such as an ebook or a piece of software on a direct selling website, or several hundreds of products in a catalog-style website. Decide which model is more suitable for you.

    Next, you need to create a website to sell your products and services. Make sure the interface is neat and not cluttered. A cluttered website never sells! Your website should suit the theme of your business.

    Once you are done with setting up your website, you need to start promoting it on the Internet. If you follow a persistent marketing plan, you'll start getting lots of visitors and as a result you'll get more sales.

    There are a few main ways to generate income from an Internet business. You can sell services (writing ghostwritten articles, coding, graphics design etc), your own products or affiliate products. You can also sell advertising on your website through banner ads or through Google Adsense.

    Once you're generating a profit from your business, you can diversify your income by starting multiple businesses. For example, if you're selling affiliate products now, maybe you can venture out to selling your own products (and keep 100% of the profits).

    Fabian T

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