
Can someone help me with extreme rage issues please?

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I am 19 years old and have been suffering from bipolar disorder. I was given this diagnosis by the doctor when I was 17. When I turned 18 i lost insurance and my parents just didn't care. Countless times I tried to tell them I need serious help and medicine, they just didn't care.

So I sat them down today and told them how serious it is, and calling me a loser, or lowlife doesn't help the condition. They seemed like they were really on my level of thinking, they understood everything. I was really happy yesterday night after talking to them, because I am going to get help now.

Today, back to the same BS. They called me a loser again, and that I should stop crying about my problems.

This really hurt me, but i am going through a manic episode so this has greatly angered me, because I feel very hurt inside. I mean they really seemed like they finally understood, I stood there for 2 hours explaining everything, and they told me "we will do everything to help you".

But it doesn't seem like it......Im very angry, and I can't get this anger to go away. Every 1-2 minutes I get really mad. I went outside and took a long walk and all I could think about was this... its driving me not going to kill myself, but im so tired of this, i dont want to live. What else can I do? its like im blinded by anger........




  1. Are you asking about the ER because you are so angry and you want help for it?

    I think you could, you could also try calling there first and asking the receptionist/nurse that answers.  They should be very nice and will help you.  Some hospitals (at least in the area I live) do have lines that people can call and ask for advice about coming to the ER or not.  I have used that line before and it was very helpfull with my decision.

    Try taking deep breaths and try to focus on something happy, even if it is something you make up in your head.  I do that and I created a place that I think about being in and it is a perfect place, it seems to work to calm me down.  It was a technique I learned about from a meditation instructer.  I also know that there is usually a program for people who don't have insurance that go to the ER, it is a payment plan.  It is called HELP.  They may have it where you live.

    Good luck to you, I hope I was of at least a little bit of help.

  2. Yes, please go, I dont want you to hurt anyone around you, thats waht might hapen.

    please go....

    email me when you can, click my avatar....


  3. I am sorry that you have not been able to get the help and support that you genuinely need. I knew that there had to be support services that could help you, even though you don't have insurance. I found this number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

    According to their website they help people who feel sad, lonely, suicidal, etc. It is FREE and confidential. They are available 24-7. Please give them a call since these people are specially trained to help you through difficult times like this.

  4. Hi.  I have bipolar.

    Yes, go to the ER.  A psychiatrist there will evaluate you.  Depending on your condition, you may be asked to do a voluntary commitment or they may give you a referral to a psychiatrist or clinic.  A referral generally gets you in quicker than if you make the appt yourself.

    If you don't have insurance, go to your county hospital.  The bill will be less and based on your ability to pay.  Private hospitals are expensive.  If you are on your parents insurance, then it might not matter since insurance will pay much of the cost.

    In any case, you need help and your parents need to get the message.  So, go.

    PS - depending... you could tell your mom you have to go and ask her to drive you.  Then she's been forewarned that this is happening.

  5. right now,

    the best thing would be to be surrounded by people who love you.

    that is your friends, boyfriend, etc

    and try to calm yourself down and distract yourself.

    go shopping or go to a spa and get a massage.

    it will calm you down.


    Take it easy hun

  6. hi, yes, go call 911 now. how unforunte you are to have such parents. the hospital should be able to get you the help you need. i think the doctors should be able to get your parents behind you. depression is not a joke, call 911. paulie

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