
Can someone help me with my 12yr old sister?

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we grow up from an abusive history and that could have a huge part in why my little sister acts out. she smokes, drinks, smokes weed and expects me to be ok with it. she has this friend thats 14 who screws men in their 20's, runs away, steals money from the family and returns home like everything is supposed to be ok. my wife and i have her come and visit us every weekend but i gave it a break because she's skipping school now and is just on her way to s******g up her life. i put her on the shot but still this is not enough, help me please. what should i do. my dad called the police, we told her that she's not allowed to talk to her friend and now i dont know what else to do... sorry this is so long




  1. I think she needs a counselor or something so she can understand exactly why she does what she does.  Maybe a rehab program for her to end it all.

  2. bootcamp should do the trick =)

    or she'll eventually end up in juvie.

  3. hey, i am basically 14 now. and thats exactly how i was. my dad abused me so i moved to my moms. which i was happy with taht.. then  i got hooked up with this 1 freind when i was 12 and i did drugs, slept with homeless guys, anything i could do that was bad! if i saw that girl do i did it to. i eventually just skipped school everday. and luckly i never got pregnant! but when my other freinds mom found out about all that i did she sent me to a corection school for girls for 6 months. That helped me SOO much!!

    i hated her for doing but now i am soo glad  that she did that for me!

    so i would do that..

    good luck!!!

  4. (Sorry this answer is pretty long)

    My boyfriend's little brother is the same way! He's 14 but he started with just weed and drinking when he was 12, and now he's into much MUCH worse. I'm talking acid, ecstasy, mushrooms, AND weed. Probably other things too. He comes from an abusive home too. It's really sad and what makes it worse is that as long as his parents choose to ignore everything they don't like instead of DOING something about it, he's probably going to OD before the age of 25 and die. It scares me and he's not even my brother. Someone needs to intervene with your sister because let me tell you, you don't want to live with that fear in your heart. Get her help before she gets as bad as this kid I just mentioned is.

    You mentioned that your parents are abusive, but if they're willing to get her some real help for her problems, I would suggest that they put her in some sort of intensive inpatient rehab program of some sort. The reason I'm not saying therapy first is because I think you may be right in your assumption that the abuse caused her substance abuse problems, and she may not be willing to open up to a therapist about that if it was your parents who were abusive and she is still living with them, because therapists are allowed to break their confidentiality agreement if she is being abused still. If it wasn't your parents, I would suggest therapy first, because someone doing these things at such a young age probably has other issues, like depression or budding bipolar disorder/borderline personality disorder. Talk to your parents about her, tell them you're concerned and that you feel she may need to be placed in rehab or therapy of some sort.

    Good luck!

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