
Can someone help me with my Dark world (yugioh) deck?

by  |  earlier

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I want to make the fastest Dark world deck possible and i need help - ironically i cant get allure of darkness even though it would make it faster. Thanks...


x3 Golld

x3 Sillva

x3 Caius

x2 Cyber dragon

x1 Dark necrofear

x3 Biege

x3 Broww

x1 Bronn

x1 Card trooper

x1 Morphing Jar

x1 Sangan (to get M.Jar)


x3 Dark world dealings

x3 The cheerful coffin

x3 Card of safe return

x1 Card destruction

x2 Hand Destruction (to speed through deck)

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Premature Burial

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Mystical space typhoon

x1 Brain control


x1 Ceasefire (i found that mirror force and torrential tribute are to slow)

I plan to use this deck in a tournament on sunday so and help WILL be put to good use. thx




  1. try fine and dark deal

    they are traps that help you discard

  2. add 3 dark grepher and mirror force take out 1 cheerful cofin and dark necrofear

  3. -2 cyber dragon

    -2 beige

    - 1 broww

    -1 dark world dealings

    -1 the cheerful coffin

    -1 card of safe return

    - ceasefire

    +1 khaki

    +1 gren

    +2 bronn

    +1 spirit reaper (if u want)

    + 2 or 1 Dark world lightning

    + 2 deck devastation virus ( works alot with siilva and goldd)

    and u should use mirror n tribute to kill some trouble maker monsters , besides if u r goin to be in a tournament u need those cards

    i use a dark world deck in my YWC2008 n is pretty powerful with this cards but i use also crush card n 2 mystyic plasma zone

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