
Can someone help me with my future?

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I don't want to end up having money problems when i'm older, so i am getting a job on the naval base when I turn fifteen [i'm fourteen now]. And going into high school, I am trying to get a volleyball scholarship. But with my job, volleyball, schoolwork, and my boyfriend to balance out, I don't know how I will be able to handle it, and I don't want to give any up. So, how can I balance those out and have a start of a good life?

I am really stressing out about this because I just want to have a nice future.




  1. Hello there,

    First of all....  you must prioritize...  everything in your life.  I like your first sentence.  'I don't want to end up having money problems when I am older'  but to be honest...  getting a job relatively soon is not going to guarantee that at all.  

    What will keep you from having money problems is having a GOOD education behind you.  The most important thing right now for any young teenager is the education - both high school and then college  ...  not a job... not volleyball...  not a boyfriend.   You will know you are very mature when you can look in the mirror and say those words to yourself... and believe them to be true.

    Back to the issue at hand... you are asking someone to help you with your future?   Then here it is.... prioritize.    Put what is the most important aspect of your success in the forefront.  Schoolwork comes 1st,  or you won't be playing any volleyball here in the USA  (heard of 'no pass,  no play?) or getting into a good college.   Boyfriends are nice to have but you have to know.... they are way down the line of what is important in your life.

    So,  that is what I tell my children and my students.   I can only help with the advice....  you have to help with the goal setting, the challenges and the getting them all done.

    Thanks for reading.

    Best wishes for your successful future.  :))

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