
Can someone help me with my questions on puberty?

by Guest62171  |  earlier

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So i have a few questions that al deal with puberty....

1) Does any1 have any good home remedies for getting rid of pimples?

2) How can i stop wanting a bf sooooo badly? its like i dont want one but i need one!!!

3) Ok i need some help on do u kiss? i have no idea how to!!! all i know is to pucker up!!!!

Thanl you very much in advance....if u can answer one question it will be help...but ones with all questions answered will have a chance at getting 10 points!!! =]




  1. 1 - My secret to getting rid of acne is drinking plenty of water. I know it's like 'blah blah blah I hear that all the time' but really it clears up your face in two weeks! Plus, you stay hydrated. =]

    2 - That just comes with time, after a while you'll realise you don't absolutely NEED a boyfriend.

    3 - It just comes natural. Honestly, I didn't believe it when I was told that, but really. When it comes the time, just go with the flow and everything will feel natural. =]

    Good Luck!

  2. hey:)

    1- dont be tempted to squeeze your spots, i put toothpaste on mine over night, and it works wonders!!

    2-Just think about what great friends Im sure u have, and that with boyfriends, always come trouble and tears!!

    3-when u have your first kiss, u will realise that whatever everyone writes on here, it wont help at all!! Youve just got to wait until the moments right, and then it will happen, and no one will be able to tell you how to do it right, because its different for everyone!!

    hope i helped!!


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