
Can someone help me with my resume to get a Disney Agent?

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Can someone help me with my resume to get a Disney Agent?




  1. whats the name of this disney agent?

    remember a real agent never asks to get piad to represnet you if they ask you that theyre a scam. a real agent only gets paid 10-20 % of what you make doing commecials etc.

    please send me an email with name of tis disney agent so if theyre for real i can send them my stuff too

  2. Scuba diver!!! :)

  3. Heres a link to a beginners resume :

  4. Alan Baltes offers consultation for actors through his blog, he can help you:

    I signed up for his consultation and he got me one audition so far and I have an interview with an agent called CESD next week.  CESD said that there aren't really any such things "Disney Agents", but they do have clients on Disney Channel shows.

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