
Can someone help me with pros and cons of nuclear energy?

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i need help with itt.

and i need facts to back it up




  1. check on google

    i can give you one example one gram of urinum is enough to give the electricity to 70 million population city

    so imagin if some one use it negativly wt will be the effects

    its life is millions of years so it means its rediation can destroy the area for millions of years

  2. Here's a good page that can help:

    Hope this helps!


    googles not good.

  4. Good:  Immense amount of energy at very low capital cost.

    Bad:  Chernobyl, 3-mile island, disposing of highly radioactive waste (high environmental cost).

  5. Nuclear energy is relatively inexpensive compared to other non-fossil fuel energy sources. It is relatively safe, when compared to oil production, and requires little space to store waste products.

    On the con side, nuclear waste storage requires planning and containment, two things we don't have a good track record of investing in.

  6. pros - generate electricity for large cities

    cons- nuclear meltdown...which is considered as pros by some people..

  7. Nuclear energy is clean in that there is no exhaust put into the atmosphere like a coal fired or gas or  diesel run generator. It has the potential to provide power to many people without harming our environment.

       The down side is that it is obviously difficult and dangerous to work with, and the potential for nuclear fallout in an accident could prove to be catastrophic in a worst case scenario. Can you say Three Mile Island? How about Chernobyl?

    Also storage of nuclear waste, the spent fuel rods that the reactor uses is problematic because even the spent rods remain radio active for thousands of years. They can be recycled to some extent, but eventually you have this highly radio active substance with no further use, and you need a safe way and place to store it for Milena.

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