
Can someone help me with puppies??

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well my 3wk old chihuahua opened there eyes about a week ago...Uno opened them first and then Bam Bam, but now one of Unos eyes is shut close again and it looks like he has dry discharge sticking to his skin around the eye. Does anyone know how to help my pup or is this normal?




  1. I agree with nebmommyof1.

  2. ya i eould take them to the vet. but it may just be that they are young and to tired.

  3. No I think it sounds typical under the circumstances. The puppies should be taken to the vet. The dog's eye shouldn't open and get sealed closed again. He needs proper medical care.

  4. You should probably take them to the vet. I've never known the eyes of any puppy to close back and ooze discharge after they've been opened, so it's definitely of concern to me. Chihuahuas are too adorable to allow to suffer (but then again what dog isn't?) so I really do suggest you get them looked at. Good luck with the puppies, I hope they live long happy lives!! :)

  5. Gee, did you ever stop to think that maybe you should contact your vet and ask him  He might actually want to see the pups to make sure they are okay.

  6. Take them into the vet to be sure; don't mess with their eyes or ears, you could damage them without meaning to.

  7. I would say that little Uno has developed a cold with a little conjunctivitis. You should take this sick little one to the vet. If you  cannot do this then you should use a cotton ball and mix a solution of

    2 percent boric acid to 10 part sterilized water. ( a druggist can mix this solution for you) wash the puppies eyes several times a day. The ears at this time is not something to worry about when the cold is cleared his ears will also clear.      Mary  

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