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Under 18, 17 year old living in New Zealand. Has british passport- British citizen, moving to the UK alone but has always lived in NZ (only just recieved passport) can he live in the UK alone




  1. certainly you can live in the UK alone however it is a daunting task I would not recommend at your age, it can be very lonely especially in London without some sort of company or family member around you, on the bright side it is not too difficult to meet new friends this move needs long and serious consideration best of luck.

  2. Sorry sweetie I have no idea.

  3. If he has his parents' permission, there's no problem.  If he doesn't, and he's not seen as being vulnerable, he'll be left alone.  If he is seen as vulnerable, social services will take an interest in him and the process could eventually lead to him being returned to his parents.  However, the process takes about a year, by which time he'll be 18.

  4. Yes you can, absolutely. You have all of the correct documentation to do so legally. It is best if you get your parents consent, but there is not really anything they can do if you just choose to up and leave. It's always best leaving on good terms though. You never know when you will need your parents again.

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