
Can someone help me with school?

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i need to do well this year im in 7th grade and my main problem is after like seven hours of school i dont wanna do homework i wanna hang out w/ my friends my mom is willing to helpp check but i usually just tell her i didnt have any or i finish ed in class and turned it in help please does any one have a way i can do it




  1. Well you could try to work with your friends and do your homework like that. Don't use the same exact words though, teachers catch on pretty quick. Other than that it is just you have to do it.  

  2. i had this same problem last year when i was n 7th grade wat i did was found a class dat i could pass real easy then i would do sum of it in there or if a teacher was showin sum boring video or tlkin about somethin i didn't care about i would do it in there or if i had a friend who did there homework i would ask them to help me or i would do half of it say i didn't understand da rest n dat worked n oh if u kno dat one of ur teachers aren't goin to check homework or not look at it good just see if u have it just write somethin down it worked for me great i hope i helped u cause nobody wants to spend there afternoon doin homework when they could be hangin wit there friends

  3. i was the same way. just do your work. make sure you keep your grades up. its not too hard to make good grades and maintain your status in school. without the good grades you have nothing.

  4. eszhdrfgyfhkcgv  hope it helps

  5. Do not, I repeat, do NOT, not do your homework. The first half of 7th grade I always told my parents that. Not only did they find out that I hadn't done it, my grades were absolute c**p. Homework in 7th isn't hard, trust me; it takes one hour to do, and then you can go hang out with your friends. Not doing homework can really s***w you over.

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