
Can someone help me with the Betta fish I'm getting?

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Tomorrow my friend and I are getting Betta fish. I'm only getting one and I was wondering if it would be okay if I kept it in a glass vase? My brother had kept his in a glass vase and it died the next morning. Also, my friend wants to get a Betta boy and girl, will that work out? Thanks!




  1. Here's the deal.  I would make sure that the vase holds at least 5 gallons of water, yes you can do a Male and Female together.  I would keep an eye on them, just in case one of them is sick or weak.  Get 2 things, Betta Remedy and a good conditioner for the water.  You want to make sure you use the conditioner each time you change the water.  Make sure that you give the fresh water time to get to room temp.  I would also suggest separating the fish in clean water for about a week.  To make sure neither is sick.  If they do ok after the week then you should be ok to put them together.  

    Side note, the Betta Remedy is good stuff to use if you notice something like ike.  Where there fins start to deteriorate.  I hope this helps.  Also, ask what the best food for the bettas would be at the store.  You don't want to over feed them.  A fishes stomach is about the size of it's eyes. And they have no quitting sense when it comes to food.

    Good luck, I hope this helped you somehow.

  2. I can not top the answer given by: neuropan

    Right on the money!

  3. neuropan has given the best answer so far.

    But another bad thing about vases, besides usually being too small, is the size of the neck.  A Betta needs a large surface as they need to breath air occasionally.

    A small surface also means less oxygen exchange between the air and water.

    If the amount of water in the vase is at least 2.5 gallons, has a large water surface (like the diameter of the vase at it's widest point), and the room temp is at least 74 F, preferrably 76-82 F, you should be okay.  

    Bettas are carnivores, not plant-eaters, so don't get one use one of those vases with plant roots in the water.

    1.  He won't eat the plant matter.

    2.  He can't get to the surface for air.

  4. I had my first Betta in a vase with a plant in it the roots went into the water and the fish swam around them. It lived for a year and a half. The betta I have now is in a regular goldfish bowl and is doing wonderful.  If your friend gets a boy and a girl betta they will have babies!!!! Good Luck

    this is what my old set up was like except the vase was bigger and the roots smaller!

  5. what do you mean by vase?

    Bettas needs at least 2.5 gallons tank. Place to hide. change water perhaps every two weeks or every month (as needed). Heater if you live where winter is severe. No lights.

    Please buy a betta only if you can give him all theses things he needs.

    I am a betta lover. Have two bettas. Love them so much.

    Please do not put bettas together. They will be dead in a few hours.

    You can use spring water. Buy a PH meter.

  6. Never put two Beta fish together...they fight...

    I don't know why you can't put it in a vase... I did and mine was fine... it might have died because of the shock of being moved...

    Good luck!

  7. if its a 5 gallon vase

    bettas should have a 5 gallon filtered heated cycled aquarium

    also 1 male and 1 female will fight

    same with 2 males

    but generally you can have as many ffemales as you want

  8. i have a male betta fish in a glass vase and it's fine.  as long as you change the water once a week and add that water conditioner solution (ask your pet store associate) you should be fine.  your friend will need two seperate tanks for a boy and girl betta fish.  

  9. No, you really should not keep a betta in a small glass vase.  Despite what many people believe, it's really not good for them to be in small spaces.  Please don't, it's cruel.  Just because they CAN survive in puddles, doesn't mean they are happy that way.  You really need about a 5 gallon aquarium for him -- the temperature fluctuations in any smaller volume of water than that will be too sudden and will stress the fish's immune system, causing him to get diseases like fin rot.  I wonder if your brothers fish died of cotton wool disease, since that progresses really fast and usually kills a fish in a day.

    Also in a bigger tank, you only have to do partial water changes once a week or once every 2 weeks assuming you have a filter (most tanks 5 or bigger come with filters and aren't too expensive.)  If you keep him in anything less than 5 gallons, you really gotta change that water every 4 or 5 days, completely, all of it.  

    You'll need something to take the chlorine out of the water, of course. (don't know if you've ever had a fish before.)

    You really can't keep a male and a female together, because they male will usually kill her.  But you can keep a few females together, with adequate space and aquarium plants/decor to provide shelter.

    **Edit (after additional info)** Well if you're certain that the vase is a large enough volume, it might work but make SURE you don't fill the water to the brim -- bettas have a special organ that allows them to get water from the surface, if they don't have a few inches of air space they will usually suffocate.  I really wouldn't put him in a vase though, it sounds cruel unless the vase is more wide than it is tall.  He needs room to swim around.  He's a living creature that relies on you fully, not an ornament, and he won't be content to just swim up and down all his life.  He needs adequate air flow, which he won't get in a tall-neck vase.  Hopefully the "vase" you have has some width.  Then it could work I guess, if you keep the water clean and the temperature constant.  I'd buy a tank or otherwise not buy the fish but it's up to you.

  10. the boy will kill the girl vase is ok as long as you feed it and detox the water also you still need to float it for 30 mins in the bag so it will get use to the tempature and fill the vase before you leave to get it so the water will be at room tempature when you get home.

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