
Can someone help me with the points on yahoo answering??

by  |  earlier

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ok, I love answering questions for people on yahoo but something i dont get. What are the points for when answering? It says level 2 you need 97, I am at 157 or something. So i should be at level 3 but what does the levels and points mean and do?




  1. click this link about points and learn how..

  2. absolutely nothing, but make me your favorite answer! please....

  3. what it says means that right now you have 157 points, and you need 97 more points in order to reach level 2.

  4. Go Here. It explains the points.

  5. <>Click here and you can see the scoring system:  You will reach Level 2 at 250 points.

  6. points mean how many questions u have answered get to a certain level......nothing really...i wish we could cash these d**n pts in lol.  but its mainly to ask and give answers to those who need help.  like a big forum

  7. The points are just for fun. You get two points for answering, 1 point for voting on undecided questions and you get docked 5 points for asking a question. when you go up levels, it allows you to ask more questions per day, give more answers per day and you gain the ability to rate other people's contributions. Level 2 is at 250 points and level 3 is at 1000 points etc. There are 7 levels altogether.


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