
Can someone help me with this economics question?

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we have to bring items that all fit into a brown paper bag. the questions are:

1 what did you do over summer break(I put in a tennis ball)

2 what is an item of personal meaning to you(I put in a ring)

3 what is your opinion of HIgh School(I don't know what to put in there for that, because I hate my school, but I don't want to get into that with the teacher)

4 what are your plans for the future(I want to be maybe a personal trainer or a dietitian, or a writer but I don't know what to put in)

5 what is an item that represents your own personal economy?(and I don't really understand that question. should I put money, or trash to represent carelessness of the environment?

I am not asking you to do this for me, but maybe you can help me understand the last question, or maybe you have ideas. any help will be appreciated!! thank you!! :)




  1. One definition of economy is: careful management of available resources.  So, think of some of the resources or things you have available to you, and some way that you can represent how you have managed them.  You mentioned you are interested in being a personal trainer or dietician.  Something that represents how you have spent time on personal training or exercising, rather that doing whatever else there is to do would work.  You could also include something that shows how you have chosen what to eat that was in sync with your ideas of a healthy diet.  We have a lot of things we can do, and a lot of things we can eat.  If you include something shows you exercise or eat healthy, this will show your personal economy.

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