
Can someone help me work out when im going to ovulate

by Guest67099  |  earlier

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First day of my last period was on 24th July but i started taking the pill on the first day of my period (because id had a few months off it) after 7 days of taking the pill it was making me more and more sick so i stopped. on monday and tuesday i had a very light bleed and now im back to normal. my question is, when will i ovulate..will it be 14 days after the first bleed, or after i stopped taking pill? Thanks in advance x




  1. what you need to do is count the days from your period in june to july and then that will be the number of days between then go to and check your ovulation date. it will help. then you can start to track your ovulation days. If you have have any other questions you can email me.

  2. It all depends on the way your body responds. I did that once and then I ended up having another period 2 weeks after the first bleed. I'd wait until your cycle regulates again before trying to figure out when you will ovulate. Because there is a chance you didn't ovulate last cycle.

    In my experience, I ovulated late in my cycle (apx day 19) for 4-6 months after quitting the pill mid-pack. It must have screwed up my hormones for a while.

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