
Can someone help please, I need the size of these tanks?

by  |  earlier

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1) Chemical Feed Skid No. 1 will pump and convey sodium hypochlorite to the

secondary effluent line for final “disinfection” purposes at a dosage of 4.2 mg/L.

The average daily flow rate of water is approximately 5.0 MGD.

2) 1.0 lb chlorine = 1.0 gallon NaOCl

3) The purity of the NaOCl is 97.5% and the City wishes to store twenty (20) days of

NaOCl on-site.




  1. (20 da)(5.0 MGD) = 100.0 x 10^6 gal

    (4.2 mg Cl/L)(3.785411784 L/gal)(100.0 x 10^6 gal) ≈ 1,589,872,949.28 mg Cl ≈ 1,589.872949 kg Cl

    (1,589.872949 kg Cl)(2.20462262 lb/kg)(1.0 gal NaOCl/1.0 lb Cl) ≈ 3,505.06987 gal NaOCl

    (3,505.06987 gal NaOCl) / (0.975) ≈

    3,594.94345 gallon storage tank, minimum ≈

    3,600 gallon ≈

    (3,600 gal) / (7.48051948 gal/ft^3) ≈

    480 ft^3 ≈

    (3,600 gal) / (264.172052 gal/m^3) ≈

    13.608 m^3 ≈

    14 m^3

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