
Can someone help please?

by  |  earlier

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I'm having a bit of a troubled time at the moment and i cant seem to find anything to cheer me up, its really bad and i dont want to feel like this anymore, can anyone think of something to help me? sorry for the trouble just this is really bad and ive just got noone to talk to so ive decided to try this...dont know why or how this is going to help but never mind




  1. There are always other people around. Find as many ways as you can to talk to people. Remember as bad as you may feel at the moment - it never lasts.

    Play loud music and dance around the house.

    Go to the gym, exercise releases endorphines which make you feel good.

    Do some volunteer work, this a great way to take your mind off your own feelings and change focus elsewhere. It will also give you a more positive feeling about yourself and a new way of meeting new friends.

    Whatever you decide always remember you are not alone there is always someone out there who will help.

    Take care.....

  2. Cheer up mate =) . You got MSN, Skype? Try talking to some people on there maybe. I also find that if I feel down, music always livens me back up. Just think positive. I dunno what your situation is, but just tryto forget about whatever it is. Focus on the now - not the past. Find an interesting documentary on TV maybe...  

  3. It could of been me that wrote your question,its exactly how i feel too.thats part of the reason why i come on this site its my escape.i dont know how to use chat sites and i understand the wording on must beleive me that no matter  how u feel now youre not alone and it will get better for u.theres nothing wrong with feeling down,lonely etc, at least u recognise it and thats good.accept how u feel and that it will pass it may not be tomoro or day after but it will i promise u.think positive and keep using this site and people like me will answer u.x

  4. Awe.  I am sorry that you are going thru a ruff time but the gooodd news is that it will pass soon, everyone goes thru rough patches in life.  And there are also good times as well. Try to focus on your school work, friends, family, pets anything that makes you happy. Hobbies.

    IF you need someone to talk to im here :]

    you can email me at

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