
Can someone help with a Financial Aid appeal letter ?

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My son's financial aid was suspended when he dropped a class. He dropped the class because unfortunately he couldn't understand the teacher because he has a thick (asian) accent. He thought dropping the class would be better than failing. What should he say in his appeal letter ?




  1. It is very commendable of you.  You care enough about your son to want to help him and inquire on Yahoo answers.  But always remember, his success in college falls upon him.  Did he tell you he was on finanical aid "probation" for a semester before he was put on suspension?  He was!  All students are given a semster and notified they have one semester to make up for that dropped class.  (meaning he would of had to enroll in 15 hours the following semester instead of 12 if it was a long semester.)  Apparently he forgot to do that and lost his fin aid as a result!  

    Dropping a class because of someones accent is not a good excuse.  He is going to have to deal with diversity in the workforce if he earns his degree.  A dropping a class everytime someone has an accent will result of him never graduating.  

    That being said, his letter he should state the truth in his words, but blaming it on an accent will get him a big fat denial letter.

    Something to the effect...of : I was unmotivated.  It was Mom's idea I enroll in college and without one of them there to take notes for me I couldn't cope.  Besides, I knew mom would research and help me write my appeal letter comes to my mind.. but alas, I am not him either. So don't take my word for it.   :0)

    Seriously, its time to let him grow up.  He'll be a better college student and adult for it.

    Google the term: "Helicopter Parent" so you don't fall into this role.

  2. don't blame it on the teacher. don't blame it on anyone.

    in the letter write about his desire to continue school and how important financial aid is to his succeeding.

    then you look at your son and tell him if he messes up again it's on his butt. that's the only way he'll learn.

    i know this because my mom was the exact same way and i would use her as a get out of jail free card.

    asking for help is different than doing his work and while it's okay every once in a while don't get taken advantage of. you're his mom not his worker.00000

  3. Most Financial aid is given to full time students. Your son must take a minimum of 12 credits each semester. When he dropped that class he dropped below 12 credits and as a result cannot get his financial aid. He should have been taking more credits for a "buffer zone", or added a class before he dropped the one. There's not much you can do. You can try to appeal but I'm not sure what will happen. I doubt anything. The college will not care that your son couldn't understand the mans accent. They will say that they clearly outlined the requirements for the aid and your son failed to meet them.

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