
Can someone help with my flying right elbow?

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My golfing buddy noticed I take my right elbow out ( too much baseball ) on my backswing. Can someone help with my flying right elbow? I've tried to just tuck it in. But, I have a bad back and am inflexible. So, it's hard to tuck it in and still have a normal backswing. Any suggestions ( besides the golf headcover in the right arm pit) ?




  1. See whether you can find a video of Lee Trevino.  He had a 'flying elbow' on his backswing but once he got to the top of the swing he changed the swing plane on his downswing.  It's hard to describe but basically he kind of moved his hands in such a way as to cause the clubhead to move in a little half circle as he started the downswing.  The clubhead was at the top of the half circle at the top of the backswing and was moved to the bottom of the half circle at the start of the downswing.  I know it sounds complicated but it's a simple manoeuvre once you see it.

  2. Man you got so many tips here that you are going to be confused as all h**l.

    It sounds to me like you are taking the club away with your hands and arms.  Wrong Wrong Wrong...........

    You mentioned you had a bad back so I suspect the flying elbow is a subconscious effort to maximize power and make up for the back.  Am I right?

    I would suggest you try the following.  Do not take the club away with your hands and arms. Start and complete your takeaway with your left shoulder.  When the left shoulder has turned as much as it can that is the end of the backswing. Now at the top of the swing note your hands..........this is as far as they go as well do not c**k or try to move them further for added power.

    Commence your dwon swing with your left hip and right shoulder.

    You swing will no doubt be a lot shorter but you will have more power and accuracy.  It will feel a bit uncomfortable at first but keep at it till it feels "natural".


    Oh and make sure you follow through to a high finish.

  3. I would first work on my flexibility.  Second I would determine whether the flying elbow is a bad habit for your swing.  Jack had a flying elbow and was criticized for it, but did OK for himself.  Third if you are determined to change consult a pro you have worked with in the past to make sure the change will not destroy your swing totally.

  4. A friend gave me this tip.

    1).First, just keep on trying to keep the elbow closer to your hip.

    2). Stand closer to the ball - top of club six (6) inches from your belt buckle.

    3). Stand more upright. 2 will assist you with this.

    4). Hit it softer - make your swing slower.

    Good luck.

  5. I dont think your problem is necessarily a flying elbow ... like the other guy said, Jack Nicklaus used to do it when he was younger. Your problem is leaving it out there on your down swing.

    Harvy Pennicks mentions it in his little red book. He doesn't mind your elbow being out there at the top of your swing as long as you bring it back in on the way down - this encourages you to hit in-to-out. Slow your swing down until you get used to the idea of starting your down-swing by pulling you elbow back in to the side of your body.

    Good luck and good golfing.

  6. If you are hitting the ball okay dont change there is no such thing as a perfect swing as long as the clubface is square at impact . look at Furyk

  7. You may have to shorten your back swing a little in order to keep it tucked.

  8. Nicklaus in his prime had a "flying right elbow."

    It's not necessarily a problem as long as you manage to return the clubface to square.

  9. here is what you do..grab your sleeve and tuck it into your armpit. I was watching a tournament and they showed a close up of Jeff quinney and he was interviewed later and told the reporter it has work for him his whole life. Try this little trick and you will be hitter them far and straight. Best of luck my friend. I play golf and baseball and basketball and football and i swim. I love golf the best. It is a great game and practice practice practice you will be amazed with your results.

  10. just keep practicing

  11. Practice hitting balls with one hand.  You won't be able to fly your elbow if you are only using your right hand.  Practicing with your left hand too will help keep you the proper plane.


    get a newspaper (just one section will do(doesn't need to be thick))

    place the newspaper in your right armpit, then address the ball and make a normal swing, but concintrate on not letting the newspaper fall out of your armpit on the backswing through impact.  It should only fall out after you've hit the ball and are on the finish of your swing.

    Try it, it's basically guaranteed to work as long as you don't let the newspaper fall out of your armpit.

    Good luck!

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