
Can someone hide body language?

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This being in psychology, most people reading this know or like psychology. i was just wondering if someone could hide their body language, so people could not read them. Or is there no neutral feeling, and the way u look always describes a way u feel.




  1. Body language is pretty natural.  If you try to control it or hide it, you will look like you are trying to hide something and you will not look relaxed or natural.  In fact, you'll probably look worst than what your normal body language should be saying.  Let it be and just be natural.

    Good luck

  2. I have to agree with the rest....A person could hide it, but then they wouldn't look very natural at it. Body language isn't something a person can hide easily, it would have to be practiced and planned out and lets face it, who has time for that?? lol

  3. Yes, but there are always subtle tells (that's why lie detectors work).  

  4. Agree to the most part with the posts so far, as most lie detection is based on looking for changes of body language from normal behaviors ... any attempt to suppress the natural movements will show up as some form of stress in the body.

    I have included a link to a really good resource on the application of non verbal communication that has specific chapters on the use of body language specifically in law & politics and the based on the work of Robert Rosenthal and Paul Ekman

    Best of all its free to read

    Hope this helps

    Andrew R Williams

  5. It is possible, but likely 'revealing' at the same time.


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