
Can someone identify this mystery insect for me?

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I found this little fella in my room dead. My family and I have never seen anything like it before and I couldn't exactly google it without knowing where to start.

So here are some pictures with one with my thumb for size reference..




  1. That looks like what we called a locust (also called cicada). the size and color help ID specific type.

    They shed their skin leaving a paper thin brown hollow shell.

    Cicadas are buried in the ground for long periods. 7 yrs. 13 yrs. then they all hatch at once. when the brood hatches the insect singing noise is cacophonous (a high-pitched modulating chirping sound).

  2. May be a Robber Fly, although it is more colourful than our local Robber Flies. The pointed abdomen suggests this, they are a predatory fly that kills insects in the air and eats them.

  3. Definitely a cicada.

  4. It is one of the 3000 species of cicada.  You live near a lake?  I have seen those green ones on and near lakes.

  5. cicada... check out its page on wikipedia, there's a photo almost just like yours.

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