
Can someone identify which time period and empire this ancient persian (might be greek, etc.) coin came from?

by  |  earlier

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Description. 2x the thickness of a dime, and its diameter is slightly smaller(1-2mm smaller than dime), 1.3x the weight of a dime

Grey colour. If someone can identifiy which time period and empire this coin came from, it will be heavily appreciated. Thanks.




  1. My best guess is that it would be more likely to be a Greek coin, since the hairstyle on the guy on the coin looks Greek to me. Hard to tell which time period it is from, since it's over used and faded.

  2. Your coin is a tetrobol of the Greek city of Miletus (Ionia, now W coast of Turkey).  It is 2nd century BC, no. 4513 in the Sear catalogue, and in good condition would fetch about $150, but yours would only get a fraction of that, as it is well-worn.

    The face is that of the god Apollo, by the way.

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