
Can someone in Ireland Adopt or marry me so I can become a citizen?

by  |  earlier

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Southern Baptist!!! lol NO WAY!! it's people looks them what makes me want to run to Ireland.. well that the pubs, green and cool accents. :-)




  1. Is there not a form or something you can fill out to be an Irish citizen? AND ITS PADDY'S DAY FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!

    Who the **** is patty???

  2. LOL

  3. If you have documentation to prove that a grandparent was born in Ireland, you might be able to get Irish citizenship. Otherwise you need to apply after living here for 5 years.

  4. I'll adopt you but be warned I am not the most maternal person in the world lol. I hope you can cook for yourself =]

  5. "Irish wish you Americans would get that through your thick heads!!"

    Making snap judgments about an entire group of people is a clear sign of stupidity.  She apparently can't read either, so ignore her.

    Now, in answer to your question, you are clearly too old for me to adopt.  I am also already taken.  However, do you have at least a grandparent who is a citizen?  If so, it may be possible for you to obtain dual citizenship.

    *EDIT* Become Polish?!  HAHAHAHA!!!  Sorry, that one almost made me choke.  Move to the deep south in the US and become Southern Baptist.  Now THAT looks fun!

    Hallelujah!  A - MEN, Oh Lordy!!  =)~

  6. St Patty's Day?  Who's that?

    It's PaDDy.

  7. yeah no problem happy St Paddy's day. Don't get too drunk!!

  8. How about you find out for sure before you give up your US citizenship?

  9. Yeah, I'll adopt you!

    What's your second name? We've just introduced a new way of tracing your roots in Ireland I think it's

    Ugh, St. Patrick's Day tomorrow what to do? We don't have green beer here! How annoying is's celebrated more in the US then here! We just drink (a bit more) and have an excuse!

  10. lets get one thing straight you are NOT Irish just because your great great grandparents or whatever came from the west of Ireland or where ever do not make you Irish wish you Americans would get that through your thick heads!!we over here in Ireland are so BORED and TIRED of ye all claiming and finding your so called Irish roots

  11. your really annoyin.... your not irish just because your family are.  Get a hold of yourself

  12. It depends how recent your descendants were.  If we're talking 150 years ago you'll have to come and live here for 10 years or so to become a citizen like every other immigrant who comes here.

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