
Can someone in the UK please explain to me what a "Non-military version of National Service" looks like

by Guest63844  |  earlier

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Apparently this is the Government's latest idea to combat crime!




  1. It is a brilliant idea.   Has been in operation for years in Germany.   'Conscripts' can do a whole range of community service either at home or overseas.       It truly develops personality.

  2. They will just continue to "Sign On". They may be made to wear a tie whilst doing it. However, the P.C. brigade will say it is an infringement of their rights, so nothing will change. cynical you may say, yes, but so is life now.

  3. The way to combat crime is dead simple.  It starts with the child who is not yet five.

    By the time a child has reached age 5 it's character is already formed for life and no amount of shouting will change anything.

    What has happened in UK over the last 25 or so years, is allowing children to have a say in things.

    I'll be honest.

    Children should be seen and not heard.

    The problems we now have are all due to this concept that children can decide for themselves.

    I recommend that our politicians and leaders read a book called "Lord of the Flies" - it explains in detail exactly what happens when children are allowed to decide things.  You cannot imagine a more cruel world than the one living in the mind of a child.  But then you probably do not believe that.  Result, the mess we are in.

    I grew up surrounded by Victorians and Edwardians who had no problem what-so-ever dishing out discipline, order and control.  Result, less crime and a far safer place to be in.

    Now for the results.

    Anyone who thinks UK is out of control should think again.  It is still one of the safest places ever to live in.  In total there are about 700 murders a year in all of UK.  Meanwhile in NYC, a city which is supposed to be crime-free, according to legend, there are 500 murders a year.  God knows how many there are all together across the USA.

    Crime rates in UK are actually falling.

    What we must bear in mind is that the media are in a constant struggle for ratings and our attention.  A TV News shows or newspaper does not get our attention when it announces in blazing headlines, "Little old lady helped across busy highstreet by Boy Scouts".  No.  What grabs out attention is "Little old lady mugged by teen gang dressed as Boy Scouts".

    People have a desire for Drama - something the Greeks understood and which is the same now as it was then.  It's all the government's fault.  So, who elected the government then?  Why, we the people.

    And so it goes. . . . . .blame culture lives here in UK.

  4. Boy Scouts for 18 year olds.

  5. without guns Duuuu!!!!!

  6. It is much as they operate in Germany and other countries - you can do a year working in a hospital or similar positive community-based idea.

    (p.s. is the "P.C. brigade" the MOD's IT epartment?! ;-)

  7. LOL... sorry... I dont know.

    Oh... right. Miley Cyrus assasins. I totally forgot about them. Thank God for them, right?


  8. Full army training like it was in the sixties including rifle drills and the firing range, add to this a two year apprenticeship,in a hands on skill like plumbing woodwork etc,

    if at the end of conscription the serviceman shows an aptitude to the service then he may apply to enlist into the regulars, if not at least he will have a camaraderie and apprentice skills to set him on his way in life,

    it maybe the father figure so many of today's lads are missing,but conscription must be hard doable and enjoyable.

  9. would be something like the women did during wars, making the ammo but prob gardening or painting

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