
Can someone interpret IC in Aquarius?

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and MC in Leo?

I know MC deals with career- I'm in the fashion industry.

And IC has to do with homes/traditions? - i moved around a lot all my life and havent been close with much of my family members, ive kept kind of a distance with them i suppose.

is this due to these placements?




  1. Aquarius IC is just like you are: detached and moving around.  It shows your future home life will be different, too.

  2. Aquarius in IC (4th house) has a distinct urge to break away from established patterns of behaviour. You are quite different from the family and more than likely, stands out. Often, someone with Aquarius in 4th is referred to as the "Black Sheep"  ...(no offense please.) or as the family eccentric.

    In other instances, you may be quite the conformist.  Also, this position shows that you hate restraint and probably had frequent moved or changes in the home as well as your unique life-style.

    Leo in MC needs to shine, to be noticed, to stand out. Often, this position shows someone invloved with arts, theater, drama, or fashion. With Leo as ruler, you want to be your own master and not in the employment of others.

    Special note: Uranus is intercepted creates everything from flashes of insight and ingenious ideas to disruption and even chaos. Interecepted uranus does not mean you can't use your special gift however, some form of inner development  and understanding is often required in order to be able to accept and trust these facets of yourself iwth confidence and comfort.

    I noticed you have a Grand Fire Trine  which means you have a lot of creative energy. You may be very demanding and even service from others while remaining emotionally unaffected. This does not suggest that you are cold and unfeeling since fire is a warm and generous element.

    It simply suggests that you must get this person's attention away from the self-absorbed interests for the moment , and then he or she may be willing to put a lot of energy into personal welfare.

    You tend to be lucky but will still need to apply the brakes upon your boundless drive to enjoy life to the fullest. Without proper rest, , you are prone to burn yourself out too early in flife plus, wear others down.

    The second part of your life will be even better and more fruitful than the first 30 years. Your chart is beautiful and energetic.

    edit...TD me all you want.....Jealousy won't get you anywhere.....!!!

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