
Can someone interpret these signs from a shy guy?

by  |  earlier

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- smirking

-copying me

- laughing for no reason

- acts nervous around me

- hides his face whenever he sees me

- gets jealous

- likes to help me

- his eyes gleam when he sees me

- he teases me

- he likes to make fun on my name

- likes to annoy

can someone please help interpret what they mean?


even if its just some, help would b appreciated.





  1. -smirking = "wow, she looks nice."

    -copying you = "maybe she'll like me more if i'm more like her."

    -laughing for no reason = *daydreaming something

    -acts nervous around you = he's hiding something

    -hides his face whenever he sees you = hoping you don't see what he's hiding

    -gets jealous = is envious of something/someone because he wishes it were him

    -likes to help you = "man, maybe she'll notice me now!"

    -his eyes gleam when he sees you = *thinking "Wow! Look at her!"

    -he teases you = "hope she's noticing my attempt at flirting!"

    -he likes to make fun on your name = "man, there's just so many fun things about this person. she's practically flawless, like her name... if i play with it this way, that way, it's still flawless!"

    -likes to annoy = "hopefully, she's seeing this and thinks of me too."

  2. It means give him a break and show him the same interest he is showing you.  He obviously likes you  ALOT

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