
Can someone interpret this weird dream?

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In the first part of my dream I was at my house, at my parent's dinner party. I just remember feeling so defensive because everyone kept calling me "mean" and I didn't understand how they couldn't see THEY were the ones being mean. It got to the point where I pretty much threw a tantrum and told off all the guests and made them feel bad like I wanted. We were outside, it was nighttime and there was this huge pool seperating me and the house, from the party. I was also crying.

In the second part of my dream, I left my house and went over to this guy and his family's apartment. When I got there, he had two sisters who were also his caretakers because he was slightly off, and kept changing outfits. First he came out in a women's dress, then he came out in an undersized striped t-shift (he was also really fat) and a diaper. When I was there all I could keep thinking was "I really want to leave but I don't want to hurt his feelings." then one of his sisters told me to just make something up. In the apartment his mom and dad were on the couch watching TV and gloating about how their son picked a winner (I was cringing on the inside.) He put his arm around my waist and we walked in to the kitchen by the front door. I think I woke up right after I left the apartment.




  1. lets start with the first dream:

    when you are with your family you feel misunderstood and you feel like they are out to attack you and that your feeling aren't valid. So you lashed out to make them feel the way you feel about not belonging and not feeling that you matter.

    when where growing up you mostly likely had boundary issues. that means people where are to say or do just about anything to hurt you and no one would take your side. i bet you were always told to let it go.

    Dream number 2:

    You went looking for the respect and care that you didn't get from you family but when you got to your friends you realized that he and his sisters could not give you the care that you needed at the moment cause the male friend wasn't in a place to care for himself much less you.

    and you felt  bad for wanting him to care about you but you knew he couldn't  so you needed to leave.

    you felt self centered and your felt ashamed for your actions

    because you don't want to be seen as a burden or overly emotional.

    Right you mind is dealing with the hurt you are feeling from not being validated by your friends and family.

    try to have a heart with you family and let them know you are hurting and try to work things out.

  2. the "meanness " inyour dreams is that you want to feel free to say what you want but feel constrained.

    the 2nd part is someone likes you , you know it but you do not feel the same... set the record straight, tell him "just friends" make sure he understands if not have his parents explain it to him...

  3. seeing that you are in your house symbolizes the limit you have set for yourself. To dream that you are eating dinner with others, signifies your acceptance or others, your interpersonal relationships, and how you behave in your social life. It is a time to reflect and share past experiences.To dream that you are at a party, suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself. If the party is bad, then it indicates that you are unsure of your social skills.To dream that you are defending yourself, suggests an underlying hurt. It may parallel a waking life situation where you are being put on the defensive.To dream that you or someone is being cruel, signifies the release of pent-up hostility and anger. You may need to acknowledge the shadow and negative aspects of your personality. To dream that someone is being cruel to you, suggests that you need to develop your inner and outer strengths and become more emotionally strong. To see a guest in your dream, signifies new challenges and interests in your life. To dream that you are a guest, denotes a circumstance or problem in your life that is temporary.To dream that you are feeling bad, suggests that you are off balance, off centered, or even feeling worthless. For many people swimming pools are associated with summer fun, vacations, rest, and relaxation. Interpret your dream based on its content and see if any these positive feelings are being conveyed to you. If you left something or someone behind, indicates that you are ready to let go of the past and move forward. To see a guy in your dream, denotes the masculine aspect of yourself - the side that is assertive, rational, aggressive, and/or competitive. To dream about an apartment, symbolizes a financial or situational state. To dream of a large, lavish apartment indicates a large increase to your income or an improvement to your family life. To dream of a shabby and dark apartment, indicates misfortune and possible loss of a lover or money.

    To see your sister in your dream, symbolizes some aspect of your relationship with her, whether it one of sibling rivalry, caring, protectiveness, etc

    To see or wear a dress in your dream, represents a feminine outlook or feminine perspective on a situation

    To dream that you are watching something, represents you lack of initiative to take a position or action

    and finally to see a diapar symbolizes your childish or babyish attitudes/actions

    i took this all from





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