
Can someone interpret what this tarot card reading means?

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I asked my tarot cards what my relationship with my boyfriend would be like if we got married and the card I got was the page of Cups. Does anyone know what this means? Thank you.




  1. Page of Cups

    The Energy: Tenderness, Sensuality, Discretion

    Lovers will find a strong and caring ally in the Page of Cups. He combines the elements water and earth in perfect harmony. With him beauty and emotion can endure forever, because he represents the essence of life and not the surface.

    The Page asks for honesty and sincerity in all emotional matters. Never play with feelings, but accept and communicate your own emotions. If the Page of Cups is the guardian of a relationship, it shall be blessed.

    *I got this info through the link below - it also have the meanings to other cards. Good Luck!

  2. Hello Lydia

    The Page of Cups is a card of trust, emotional new beginnings where it is an issue.

    This card may not show the outcome, but rather an issue that needs looking at.


  3. It means "new (innocent) love"...nothing much more.

  4. The tarot can't fortell your can only show some of the aspects of the path you are on. No one knows where the path leads, but the tarot helps us to understand our surroundings.

    Also, one card isn't going to give you very much information. You have to think of it as a sentence and in your case, you only have one word or phrase. In this case, your keyword would be romance which most likely has to do with the phase of the relationship you are in. Right now, you are in the early phase of your relationship.

    My advice would be to do a 3 or 5 card spread to get more info.

  5. dont believe in cards or anything to predict ur future, the future has notbeen written, and it is there for u to choose and change it if u wish. many times if u have ur future told it may change it. i never ask cuz i m scared taht my destiniy may change if someone tells me waht it'll be. sometimes its better not to know, and just make ur decisions day by day

  6. i wouldn't trust a single card draw on a question like that, i would at least use a 5 card or a celtic cross, it's much more reliable

  7. Hi--The Page of Cups is my personal card, meaning that is the one that speaks to who I am more than any other.  The Cups represent emotions and feelings.  The Page is the nurturer, the "gardener" of relationships, if you will.  He/she is the one who tends to everyone in the family so that they grow and bloom.  Perhaps in your instance this card is saying that you will be the one in this relationship who does the tending and nurturing.  Is your boyfriend one who requires a lot of attention, like a Leo who needs constantly to be told how much he is loved and appreciated?  This isn't a bad thing, especially if you are the type of person who enjoys lavishing lots of love and attention on your honey, nor does it indicate that the love won't be reciprocated.  It could just mean that you might be doing most of the emotional heavy lifting in this match.

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