
Can someone interprete this dream? ?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream last night and wondered if someone could try explain to me what it could be telling me. I don't remember everything that happened but I wrote down all the 'objects and actions' I could remember.

Here they are:

1) I was just in casual clothing

2) I remember being a put full of pirates

3) I was sat at a table surrounded by pirates and there were 2 other girls next to me that looked the same as I did (Casual)

4) We were all playing the card game 'Rummy'

5) I had more than 4 7's in my hand and my other cards were turning in to 7's (they were different suits not all the same suit)

6) The Pirate that was sat next to me kept kissing me on the cheek

Thats all I can remember

Can anyone help me out?





  1. you got a pirate and card game fetish.

  2. Sounds like to me that you may have had a hard time with relationships before but now maybe in the clear with that.  You probably are lonely and probably don't have a significant other but if you did you may have someone in mind that is probably has authority over you. You may feel some sort of freedom from certain things but yet you need something different in your life and need some kind of different activities to fill your days with to give you more excitement.  Your probably a very unique person probably due to situations that have occurred in your life.    

  3. A casual card game where all the cards became sevens - well seven is the number of natural magic - seven stars, seven chakras, seven seas, the Seven Dwarves. This might say that you are ready to look beneath the surface of things - or it might be your own deeper wisdom trying to warn you.

    Does the word "Rum" mean anything to you apart from the drink? Some folks say "a rum do" or a "rum sort" meaning an odd, untrustworthy, slightly scary situation or character.

    Pirates? I know Johnny Depp was gorgeous - but real pirates still exist, and they're a seriously nasty bunch.

    I'd guess that you're becoming involved with someone or something whose reliability should be questioned before you go any further. Look beneath the surface, ask around and go with your intuition. Back off before it's too late, you could be getting out of your depth.  

  4. my mum is a psychologist so i know a bit about that kind of thing. It seems kind of baffling but it could be representing a feeling of being alienated from the others around you (the pirates)  with only one or two friends who you can relate to. the others try to be your friend but you still feel alienated. I'm not too sure about the card game but it seems like you feel that life is like a game of chance but things keep happening to tip the game against you which you are powerless to stop.

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