
Can someone into charts answer my question please?

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I'm a Virgo/Libra cusp (sept 21), Scorpio rising, Cap Moon, Venus and Saturn in Leo, Mars in Cancer...

I'm adventurous, methodical, love to travel, will try anything once, can be loyal but right now like to keep my options open, hate staying cooped up n the house...

The person Im seeing, I dont know his full chart, I'm trying to find out, but dont want to appear nuts! lol

All I know is that he's a Sag. He wears his heart on his sleeve, is not "down" for him seeing other people and me seeing other people (not a playboy/bachelor type), wants to be committed, is very jealous and possesive, does not trust easily (if at all )esp women (hence the jealousy),is a homebody (not adventurous), and somewhat of a tight wad,basically he falls no where near typical Sag except he does like gambling (horses) and is BRUTALLY honest! lol

So with this being said I'm thinking he might be close to a cap, maybe a cusp? Any general ideas of what you think his chart may look like why he's like that?And how this may or not play out with us being together. Best answer to the one closest to it, as I plan to find out in a few days.

PS I know that going off the sun sign is just a generalization, but right now thats all i have to work with




  1. Sounds like he has Taurus,Virgo, Scorpio and perhaps some emphasis on Cancer in his chart. This could be attributed to the actual signs, house placements or aspects in his chart.  

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