
Can someone know if you use their wireless connection?

by  |  earlier

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So, recently i log thorugh my neightboors secure connection. I dont even know how i did it because it was secure. Anyways, can he find out, i used his connection?




  1. yes...he/she should of been prompted that a new device has logged onto the network and been able to view it....not to sure that you were really on the secure line though because to log onto those you need the key to be able to tap into it.

  2. Your neighbor's router may have logged the MAC address of your computer and possibly your computer's host name. So if they read their router's logs they would know that someone is connected to the router. Unless your host name is descriptive enough for your neighbor to identify you, even if they know you are connected, they likely won't know who you are. However, with the proper equipment and a knowledgeable person, it is possible to trace the location of a computer via the MAC address.

  3. when he notices that his router keeps on blinking though no one in the house is using it.

  4. If you have media-sharing and he was on a computer it probably popped up with a "do you want to share" message.  He may not have been on a computer though or didn't have that feature enabled.

    Your computer's IP, MAC, and name will be saved in his router's access log, if he checked that he'd see someone else connected.  Also, if he has DHCP lease set to forever (I know Belkin defaults to this) and he logs onto the DHCP client list it will have your MAC, IP, and computer name.

    If it was accidental and you disconnected I wouldn't worry about it - it was a accident.  Just don't intentionally do it.  You may want to mention this to your neighbor if you know them well - since you were able to accidentally connect it's not as secure as it should be so they need to lock it down more and/or pick a better wireless passkey.  If you got on that easy it shouldn't be hard at all for someone who wants to break into the connection.

    Unless the owner of the wireless connection has granted you permission, don't *intentionally* use their internet - whether or not it's secure.

    An accident is an accident, it's in the past so don't worry about it.  The chances that anything will come of it are extremely remote.

    If I saw that in my logs I'd see how long they were connected and if it's a one-time deal I'd just change my security settings to make it harder next time.

    If I saw it many times on my router I'd check my computers for any firewall access violations and see if I could access the offending computer (it's using my network with my connection so it's not as if I'm attacking it) as well as monitoring what it's accessing to find out who's it is or what they're doing.  Then I'd restrict that computer by it's physical address and step up my security by changing all the passwords, encryption keys and network name.

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