
Can someone let me know ways to relax in order to fall asleep?

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I cannot fall asleep, what so ever. I haven't been able to sleep well at all for the past 2 years, but I've been able to sleep easier than now. As of late, I haven't been able to fall asleep until at least 4 or 5 in the morning. I basically don't get sleep anymore!




  1. Try thinking of all the letters of the alphabet but not in order.  It works for me sometimes.  I usually have to do it a couple of times but it does put me to sleep.  Very simple and worth a try.  Good luck and happy dreaming,

  2. listening to relaxing music, on a low level always helps me.

    and i also have trouble sleeping.

  3. I got this tip from our schools psychology teacher who used to suffer from lack of sleep:

    take a deep breath in and tense your toes. for about 10 seconds. then let them relax as you breath out slowly.

    do the same with the bottom of your legs, then the top, then you bottom, then your back, fingers, arms, shoulders, neck and face.

    Doing this twice should relax you completely and helps get a better nights sleep.

  4. For some people, the bed is the cause of sleepless nights. You could try using extra pillows to get more comfortable.

    Other people sleep better when it's cooler in the room. You could lower the temp in the room.

    Some people need a soft humming sound, like a fan blowing to help them relax. (I happen to be one of those yet I have no idea why, I cannot sleep in the dead silence)

    You could also try to use soft music playing real softly. Make a play list of some songs and put it on repeat or a timed play.

    Maybe take a warm relaxing bath with lavender scented soap before bed. I've done this also, it works for me and for my kids.(I love the Gerber baby lavender soap for my kids)

    If these do not help, you can always talk to your doctor to see what may be the problem. Sometimes, people on certain medications have trouble sleeping and finally fall asleep around 4 or 5 due to exhaustion. Others just have a sleeping disorder.  

  5. Think about one thing and only one thing: your breathing. In through the nose hold it for a second, out slowly through the moth. Just focus on that, nothing else. You'll be asleep in about 10 minutes.

  6. dont be offended, but seriously, you should try smoking pot...medical of course  

  7. I'm not sure of your age but, sometimes a glass of wine will relax you and cause you to go to sleep faster and easier. Usually, we become wound up and by bedtime, we can't relax enough to go off to sleep. Maybe you can also try to do the muscle stress exercises. Begin with your toes and flex them as tight as you can for a few seconds. Then move up to the calves then on up to the thighs and then to the buttocks and all the way up to the neck. It helps you relax the muscles in your body and should help you sleep better.

  8. well have you tried acid? Or maybe you could buy a family pack of trojans, count them three times over and then run lotion on your feet. The repetition of the counting and rubbing will help your brain emit and give off the proper toxins so that it successfully agrees with your equilibrium in order to promote healthy sleeping habits. Good Luck :D

  9. try putting on some quiet pink floyd of Dark Side of the Moon (not my favorite but probably the most mellow).  then lay down and put a cold soft pillow over your eyes.  Thats my insomniac cure, hope it works for you

  10. I have the exact same problem, and no matter how little sleep i get the night before, i still cant fall asleep till 4 or 5 the next night. Its weird because i took a meditation class last semester at school and we would just meditate all class. The teacher said it was okay to fall asleep because that means you have reached the highest level of relaxation and whatever. So i could fall asleep within 5 minutes of starting the meditation but when i got home and tried to fall asleep in my bed, i just cant do it. Its frustrating but i would suggest maybe taking a meditation class or learning to do it some other way and maybe that will help you learn to relax. It worked for me in class but i couldn't get it outside of class but maybe it would work for you.

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