
Can someone like Sarah Palin, who can't even manage her own family, manage America?

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None of Mitt Romeny's kids ever knocked up women out of wedlock, did they?




  1. Be careful.  You do not want attacks on the Obamas kids,do you.

  2. What?  You have never had anyone in your family do something less than desirable?????

    My kids aren't perfect either but I do learn and we all grow from it.

  3. What parent has 100% perfect kids? God couldn't manage Adam & Eve, so who says any mortal will do any better?

    Also, I am reading many comments on many news servers from people that are saying she is the governor of a "tiny, tiny state". Who are these idiots? Do they not know that Alaska is the LARGEST state in the union, even larger than Texas? I think this is a sad statement on our public and private educational system when people do not even know that Alaska is the largest state in the union.

  4. Gee Hillabeans Clinton couldn't manage her family either and she was a very viable candidate for president.  Time to stop the hate and mud slinging.

  5. Only by the furthest stretch of the imagination could you come to that conclusion. Millions of Americans, real Americans can relate to Sarah Palin and her family.

    Even more so now.^

  6. No, they usually wait until the girls are about 12 and then marry them .

  7. She could've seen the baby as a punishment like Obama does.  And they're getting married.

  8. Obama should be able to relate to Plain's daughter.

    His mother was unwed pregant female at the age of 17

  9. I am always amazed at the gall of this party.  A few short years ago they trashed the fictional Murphy Brown for being a unwed mother.  They yelled about g*y rights & g*y marriage while Cheneys daughter and her lover raise a child.  The fundamentalist jump on & off the bandwagon daily.  You can be the party to just say no but rally around a drug shopping radio host & hang on his every word.  They  are certainly one nervy bunch of people.

  10. at least the daddy is staying with the baby, unlike obama!

  11. You`re just jealous because that baby isn`t yours.

    She will make a h**l of a VP. She`s hot, intelligent and knows how to shoot. So don`t get in her way.

    Her personal family matters are hers, not the nations.

  12. No, she cannot.

    She just wants to be a celebrity, she is all surface gloss and no substance. She can't even handle her own daughter. 5 months pregnant and did not say a word before now?

    Who is running the McCain campaign!?! We can't afford this incompetence now.

    She needs to pull out of the race to spend time with her family.

    I'll vote Bob Barr.

  13. She's can't She can't even manage her 17 yr old daughter who was just announced pregnant. It really tells a lot about her. Great family values, great mothering skills.

  14. There is not one parent out there in this world who can completely control what their kids are doing . . . especially a 17 year old . . . it happens all the time . . . people have s*x people get pregnant . . .  

  15. So what if her daughter is pregnant out of wedlock, what business is it of yours?

    I would say she has done a pretty good job of managing her family.  At least she is still married to the father of her children.

    How soon till Obama's daughter winds up pregnant? Will that mean Obama shouldn't be president because he cannot mange his daughter? See how stupid that sounds?

  16. Gosh...  I just noticed.. Obama is old news now.  It's all Sarah.  Even among the Dems...  Watch out.. where the cameras go, the votes often follow.  Sure you want to head down that trail?

  17. Wow non the liberals are going after teenage mothers. another group that they supposedly care so much about.

    Same old scared panicking  

  18. I bet you did everything your parents told you to do at 17! LOL!

  19. Your parents clearly didn't manage you very well.

  20. That's John McCain's VP, right? He said he chose her to get the women's vote. Not because she is smart experienced ect. If something happens to John (which is likely), she will be left to run the country. John McCain obviously thinks women are stupid if he expects them to support someone just because they are a woman.

  21. First of all.. It is stupid to remark about the family, when you follow such rumors.  However it takes 2 to make kids and 2 to raise them, unless you are a democrat and Steve and Steve can make and take care f the kids.  

    Her Dr gave her an amnio to check the DNA of the baby last ear, or was it a body double?

    And for those who are loving to spin this rumor, it actually makes her look like a better mom, to to take on her daughters babu with downs, after all libs would have allowed their daughter to abort it right?

    Second, as VP you don't run the country.  Why do libs keep saying she will be in charge of the country, since when did kids who dont listen in Social Studies get to ask questions about of descriptions of the VP?

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