
Can someone make a diet for me?

by  |  earlier

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hi i'm 17 and OVERWEIGHT! i'm 5'6, 170 lbs and ashamed. i have know idea how to eat right and i cannot afford to buy diets like jenny craig, go to weight watchers, or go to a nutritionist. my apartment has a gym and i plan on working out i just don't know how to eat right... can someone please help me? can you make a diet for me to eat everyday? thanks in advance :)

ps. i love all fruits and veggies




  1. well thiss is my weight loose diet and it workss really good

    fruit for breakfest

    salad or yogurt for lunch

    and for dinner what ever my mom makes so you can try to make healthy dinners for your self like grilled chicken and stuff

    and REMBER to not have large portions

    i occasionally cheat but not too often


    i only drink water and milk so you should try it too

    cause  milk does really help you loose weight i know trust me

    i barely drink juice


    and no ramdon snacking!!!

    and on eating cuase your bored


  2. Its not really what you eat its how you eat and when. Eat a large breakfast like eggs, fruit, cereal, toast. and some juice or milk. Have a snack, whatever you want. Then lunch eat anything, just stop when you aren't hungry. And have a smaller dinner...........The easiest thing to do is just stop when you are no longer hungry. I know it taste good, but you can always reheat it the next time you get hungry. and if you have a gym, just walk on the tread mill. It will do the best for slimming down.  

  3. good

  4. Here is a great article that helped me out and will certainly help you out...



  5. okkk well first of all .. 5'6 and 170 is not overweight. u may have a little extra fat but ur not at all overweight . wat u eat is much more important than how much u workout . i know this bc wen my uncle broke his leg he ate about half as much but no longer worked out everyday like he used to and actually lost about 20 pounds . well first things first . cut out alllll sodas juices etc. water is soooo much better for u and is a real calorie cutter . next . lets say ur planning to eat lunch at 1230 . at 12, drink a lot of water and after u do that eat something small, liek a cracker  or granola bar . then, eat the lunch u planned thirty minutes later . u wont eat as much as u would have regularly and will become full  much quicker . this is bc it takes ur stomach 20 minutes to tell ur brain that its full . so in teh 20 minutes aeverything u eat is just overeating. so drinking the water makes u more full and u wont eat as much . i know it sounds funny, but it works. ok second, instead of eating three large meals, try to eat about five smaller ones . ur body uses alot of energy, bu tnot all at once. if u spread ur meals out u give ur digestive system more time to digest and therefore the food will be turned into energy as opposed to stored as fat . so eat many times a day but much smaller portions . next, power walking burns more calories than even running . id suggest power walking 20 mins a day at least 2-3 times a week . now, heres some helpful tips

    - wen u want to eat chicken, don't eat the skin . the skin is alll fat and will just be stored as fat

    - cheese is all calories, so try to cut down as much as possible

    - instead of grabbing the cookies, go for something better liek teh fruits or veggies u like

    - put a picture of a very thin celeb on ur frige, therefor everytime ur about to grab something to eat, ull go for the healthier option

    - eat teh foods u like, but make sure u dont eat ur carbs with ur meats .. this is bc carbs are used as energy first, and therefore the meats will be stored as fat. since meat has much more fat in it than carbs do, ur basically just eating all fat .  wenu eat carbs, eat only carbs or eat iit with veggies or fruit. and wen u eat meats, eat only meats or with veggies/fruits ... ALSO make sure ur portions of meat are about the size of the palm of ur hand, and about an inch thick . any more than this will just be stored as fat when eaten altogether ..

    i hope this has hel[ped and if u have any more questions feel free to message me because im very good at this stuff !! i hope it works nd if it does plz message me nd let me know ! good luckk !!!!!!!!!!!1

  6. Breakfast ... 1 cup of oatmeal or weight control oatmeal. and an apple

    snack .....handful of almonds

    lunch.... tuna on 1 slice of whole wheat bread and a small salad with light dressing

    snack.... dannon light n fit yogurt

    dinner... baked boneless skinless chicken breast, steamed broccoli (or any green veg)

    snack... 1 cup of skim milk

    also, drink only water with your meals and drink water first thing when you get up. and drink it all day long. cold water. you can also snack on celery and drink as much green tea as you want.

    exercise 5-6 days a week

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