
Can someone mention few safe low budget places with address where i can take my gf to have fun.?

by  |  earlier

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we both are doing it for first time. we dont know anything about where to have it. we feel shy as we are not married. can someone mention me a list of places in mumbai whr i can take her and have s*x




  1. ask a police officer, they will have you locked up until she is at least legal to have s*x with. or ask her parents if you can use their house, that will be fine. they probably have a good place  :-]

    i wouldn't have a problem reporting you to a person who catches sexual predators. I hope they watch this site, I really do. And i hope they travel to india and chop off your hoo-ha. You're disgusting, why can't you find a girl your age and get married, or get your own house?

    And your question makes everything look so... SICK to begin with. "safe, low budget"? that makes me sick. Safe= away from anyone to catch you becuase you're corrupting a minor? There's all kinds of other charges waitin for ya. and low-budget? that just shows you're cheap. You mise well just take her into an empty dumpster and have your fun in there. That's FREE and it's where people like YOU belong.

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