
Can someone move out of the country at 18?

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or is it at 21 and does it depend on what state u are?





  1. Legally you're an adult at 18. If you were to commit a crime, you'd be punished like an adult. You can do whatever you want and no one has any legal power to stop you.

  2. At 18 you are consider a legal adult.Therefore,no one can interfere with your decisions.They may threaten but they technically cannot do a thing.

    18= adult=yes you can leave the country if you very well please to do so.

  3. you can, but you need proper documents to do so.

  4. of course ur legal!

  5. at 18 someone can move out of their parents home and seek residency in any country they wish, just make sure you renounce your citizenship so your not paying taxes twice

  6. You can leave the country without parental interference at 18, if that is what you are asking.  Of course, you'll need a passport and visa to whatever country you are going to, and if you are in trouble with the law you may not be able to leave.

  7. ur legal

  8. You are an adult at 18.  You can move to wherever you want.

    Depending on the country you are wanting to move to, there may be alot of red tape and paperwork invovled.  My boyfriend's dad married a girl in the phillipines and had a hard time moving her here, even after they were married!

  9. probably at 18!

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