
Can someone name some volunteer services that go overseas?

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After college I want to do something like the Peace corp or Americorps, so I can go over to Africa and help with the AIDS virus. I will be a nurse by then and I wanted to do something like that, but those two are the only two I know of, and they are VERY long. You have to like live there for two years. Now I love to help, but right after college I'm not ready to move to a third world country just yet. Does anyone know of any other things like those that dont require as much time?




  1. Two years does sound like an awfully long time, but they were the best two years of my life.  The Peace Corps allows you to get into a culture and really make a difference.  That's the benefit you get when you live in a place and work intimately with the people for an extended period of time.  In the wider picture of things, two years isn't long.  Check out the Peace Corps website, read the testimonies, and then see what you think.

  2. You can help sick people in Indonesia.

  3. Lots of churches and local associations have missionaries and mission groups that go overseas to do work.

    Contact your local YMCA or church and see if they can point you towards a group that would be going this summer. I've had lots of friends that have gone for a month at a time.

  4. the army,the red cross

  5. ........can i come to.......pretty p-wease!  I'll be your friend.

  6. You could be a missionary,if you are religious. They travel to different countries all the time to help people.

  7. You could try a church organization that has a mission ministry.  Some churches have missions that go to different parts of the world.

  8. I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure if you google -volunteer overseas- you will get a lot of hits.

  9. UNICEF might be an option or a church affiliated group.

  10. Cafod, Red Cross, greenpeace

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