
Can someone one give me a psychic reading?

by  |  earlier

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I just met this guy named Douglas Cary and he is 34 on a dating site. I was wondering if everything he has told me is true. So far he has told me that he is a business owner and he is going to the UK next week for business. I am really starting to have feelings for this guy and I want to know if he is telling me the truth. He also told me that he loved me is that the truth to?




  1. type this address into new browser :

  2. i do not believe him!!and wauldnt trust him  

  3. Do not believe this guy ; not even for a minute ; all he told  you   is bull;; sht He is going to U K to meet his girlfriend ; that he know since a long time ; but she knows he is not faithful to her and she is doing the same

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  5. honey,your best option would be to go & visit a local medium,one that is popular and not a fraudulent,asking this type of advice online will only give you rubbish feedback,good luck tho.

  6. do not try to become psychological  use ur mind no one knows u better than u do urself


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