
Can someone pleas do these geometry proofs for me. I dont understand them at all.?

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i really didnt want to cheat on these but i just dont understand them at all. Ive been working on the for about a month now and i havent made any progress on them. I do high school online so i dont even have a teacher who can help me.




  1. Try contacting  the lead teacher, Ernie Tripp at    or call at 928-486-4580 and let them know that you are not being supported properly.   K12 has an excellent reputation for a virtual school (not a homeschool).  They would certainly want to know if a student is not getting what they need to succeed and progress.  The school system is paying them a great deal to run this virtual program and you should be getting the best of what your parent's tax dollars are paying for.

  2. In Euclidean Geometry you "solve" proofs step by step to prove a theory using laws that are already established.  I couldn't open your link (don't have WORD), but it is always done the same way.  Use two rows starting with the idea linked to each step to prove each step with an already established postulate.  There are specific laws (postulates) that are built step upon step logically. It's like building a house step by step one row upon another.

    Usually in each book there is a list of these postulates, so you don't have to write them out over and over each in each proof.  You can abbreviate. For instance the 5th postulate is that parallel lines never meet. If you have to prove that Line AB will never intersect with Line CD then you can prove they are parallel. When you do that, you can abbreviate and just use the reason 5th Euc Postulate, rather than writing out the whole thing. (Thank God!)

    Geometric proofs will never be used in everyday life.  (I hated doing them, and I majored in math). And they are something that take time doing over and over and over to learn.  You do need an instructor.  If you don't have one available, then find a college student to tutor you who can go over them line by line with you.  

    Proofs take about one sheet of paper a piece, so be prepared for a lot of writing.  Like I said, I always hated them because they seem useless.  But they teach you to think logically, line upon line, and teach you the reason that certain "laws" or postulates are true.  They are the "why" behind the rules of algorithms. And remember Algebra 2 will be the next level, and it is actually fun.

  3. Maybe you should think about getting a tutor. Doing school without any professional help is really hard. So get yourself a tutor or something!

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