
Can someone please answer my questions about exclusives on webkinz?

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I'm wanting to know about the exclusives that you can see at the w shop that say you get them when you adopt your 10th, 15th, 20th webkinz, etc. My daughter has 8 of them and is expecting to get a couple more for her birthday. Will she be able to buy as many as she wants when she gets 10 webkinz or does she get to pick just one or is she assigned one when she adopts the 10th? How does that work?




  1. you only get a superbed with a 10,15,20,25,Ect adoption you can not buy exclusive items you get them when you register a pet, but at the wish factory  if you get 10 wish tokens you can buy a exclusive item worth 10 tokens some items are 15,11,12 tokens it just depends on the item. but anyways she will be able to chose from one of the amazing superbeds she can chose any 1 she wants. and you can not buy the superbeds with money or with tokens you have to register pets for them. i hope this helps!

  2. u only get one on your 10th adoption... it is in a box so she can pick it out anytime she wants

  3. only one sorry

  4. 10th adoption - she gets to pick a superbed

  5. I've done this before, so I have lots of experience. The super beds are the exclusive item that your daughter will get. When she adopts her tenth pet, there will be a Super Exclusive Gift Box along with the pet's Welcome present. She opens the Super Exclusive gift box and then she chooses which super bed she wants. You can only choose one super bed at a time but when she adopts her 15th, 20th, 25th, etc. pet, she'll get to pick another one.

    Hope this helped!

  6. she gets to pick one for her 10th, 15th, 20th, etc. But you can't buy them you just get one

  7. She will only be able to pickj a super bed, u also stop geting free rooms after 10th adoption, but u get an extra amount of cash

  8. she either gets to pick one or gets assigned one im not sure!! sry! :]

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