
Can someone please apply the concept of "McDonaldization" to a situation other than a fast food restaurant.

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McDonaldization is the term invented by George Ritzer to describe a sociological phenomenom that is happening in our society. In essence, McDonaldization is the process of rationalization. The process of McDonaldization takes a task and breaks it down into smaller tasks. This is repeated until all tasks have been broken down to the smallest possible level. The resulting tasks are then rationalized to find the single most efficient method for completing each task




  1. Incorrect.Ford had that process perfected over 80 years ago.What you are referring to is a trend whereby utilitarianism is rank throughout the world.And there is no individuality in cities because of it.Everything is built and run along the same lines.Be it a fast food chain or a subdivision.

  2. I don't know if this is the same type of thing, but it sounds a lot like when Ford started their assembly lines for cars... lots of different stations doing one simple task over and over again so that they can efficiently produce one solid product... in this case, a car. This is how they are able to mass produce them, which is the same thing McDonalds did with their burgers... cut it into simple steps to create more burgers at once.

  3. If your definition is as general as I think it is, think about something like coffee. You go to a coffee shop to buy coffee. The coffee shop has no control over the airline industry that flew the cups over from China, the methods that the farmers use, etc. but a huge chain of events occurs for you to get that coffee. Everyone in the chain is working in their self-interest and it works out because baristas don't know anything about farming or international trade.

    It isn't really what you described because it doesn't have a CEO at the top controlling the specialization, but it's kind of similar to plain free market economics.

  4. Yes , with the de-regulation of cooperate business practices

    in the early 80's. Continental Agriculture, a puppet corporation of Mcdonald's, completely sabotaged are meat

    industry with power buying so they could control the beef market and make better profits off of the big mac.  It is fair to say that our beef industry was completely McDonaldized.

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